Friday, September 15, 2006

It had to be the black folks who lost the first Survivor challenge

Have you heard about the Survivor new challege that created teams based on race and Ethnicity?
Each team consists of five individuals and the teams are segregated into a group of blacks, whites, Asians and Latinos.
The 13th session is called Survivor: Cook Island.
The team of 20 people are in some South Pacific Island some where and were there for 39 days.
But to me that is all blah, blah, blah, blah.
I'm interested in how my "people do."
Say what you want, think what you will, but we all know that there are sterotypes about every ethnic group and every race, every situation out there.
Don't you expect someone from Africa to win the Boston Marathon?
Don't you expect the Asian boy to be good at math?
Don't you expect the Latino boy to be a good dancer?
Don't you expect white southerns to like biscuits, live in trailer parks, and own tub tops.
Don't you expect northeasterners to think they are smarter than everyone else?
Don't you expect the pretty girl to marry a man with money?
Don't you expect the man with money to have a pretty wife?
There are sterotypes out there _ some of which are accurate. Some are just.... wrong.
But none the less, they are out there.
But this television show is going to put some of those sterotypes right in our faces for an hour each week.
Last night was the first airing of the new epsiode. Although I had said I wanted to watch it, I forgot it was supposed to air.
So I missed the first 30 minutes of the program. When I tuned in, the teams were building a boat.
And the black folks were in last place.
They had not even completed their boats while the Asian crew was already paddling the water.
The Asians were first; the blacks were last.
I so wanted the black folks to come in any place but last. Yes, I wanted them to be first, but any place but last would have been okay with me.
I even found myself critiquing the way one of the black team make spoke.
I didn't know a sole on that show, yet I felt like they were representing me.
I know that the show tried this new "twist" in hoping to improve ratings.
I hope it doesn't backfire.
But I think this show may get folks to talk about things they only say or think about within the comfort of their own homes.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wanna Play?

I just love this photo of Dion and just wanted to share it with the world.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Just like my mom used to do....

As a child, I was always in awe of how my mom peeled an apple. She would take a knife, place it on an angle at the top of the apple, and within seconds, have a peeled apple and one of those long, thin curly peels.
I used to love watching her peel and apple.
And no matter how many times I tried, I never could learn her technique.
So eventually, I just gave up and began peeling them the way folks in the Army peeled potatoes.
It was not pretty, but it worked.
Well, it must be a mom thing because I can peel an apple just like my mom use to do it!!!
I am so proud of me.

Here's to happy eating. Yes, the skin is on the apple, but there are so many vitamins and minerals in the skin... I want him to eat that sometimes.

Shh... don't tell him that apple is good for him.