Happy Birthday Emilie!!!
For some reason, I started thinking this past weekend about a birthday party that JoAnn threw for you back in our Delta Democrat days - the year that you turned .... um..... 29 plus 1.
There were so many people there. Who knew you could have a fancy-smancy and more importantly, a happy birthday gathering in the Mississippi Delta?
That was our last major event together because a month later you were headed to Minnesota - a state where you life has done nothing but soar.
I remember you saying that you NEEDED to be pregnant by no later than April to have a baby before your next birthday. LOL....
Our lives have taken different paths, but we have maintained contact, although it's via a computer mostly.
I'm happy that you are happy. I happy that Stephen is the perfect husband for you and father for Daniel. I'm happy that you have Daniel.
And Lord knows I'm happy that we are both away from the Delta. I knew the place was depressing, but I just didn't what kind of effect it had on me or was having on me until I left it. I still get moments of depression, but nothing like those.
Thank God we each have new addresses and new lives.
I hope today is the start of even better and greater chapters in the Book of Emilie, volumn 30 something.
(Pssst. I know our age, but telling it would be like telling the world my age and I'm not about to do that.)
Happy Birthday, girl.
Cynthia, I am so moved by this. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to respond. Thank you, many times over, and God bless you.
Ah, I remember that party. Both a birthday and goodbye. It's hard to believe I'm still only 29 + x! ;-)
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