Thursday, November 09, 2006

I am so happy that even my butt is smiling.

The Democrats have control of the House... and... dare I say it now on Nov 9... Virginia and the Senate, too!!!

Sing with me people......
Thinking about

I am by no means a political junkie. I am I a registered Democrat or Republican.
I am registered as an Idependent.
I will admit that I have voted for a good number of Republicans over the decades and will continue to do so.

But I have been ticked off with the arrogance of this administration and the guilableness of the voting public who in 2004 sent Bush back to the White House.
That was a clear statement that the voting public liked what he had been doing.
So what has changed in the past two years for the voting public to want to send Bush another message.
* Well, since 2003, we've had almost 3,000 of our sons, daughters and husbands and wives killed in an act of aggression that we instigated by us because of a drummed-up lie.
* We've lost respect on foreign soil so much so that that little man in North Korea didn't think twice about thumbing his nose at us when we told him to halt his neuclear testing.
* Iran, which was always a bigger threat than Iraq, is also planning neuclear test.
* We are now viewed as the big, school yard bully by more than just Muslim countries so much so that they even had the gall to come to New York to talk about how much they hate us on our own soil.

I could go on and on about how we have lost respect, power and influence in foreign matters, but we have also lost it on the homefront, too.
We spent a good portion of 2006 debating... fighting over frivious things such as whether to build a big ole wall between us and Mexico.
What the.......
Arugments like that take the focus off of what I consider real issues like the fact that more "good paying" manufactoring jobs are now being performed on foreign soil. Those jobs allowed individuals with just a high school diploma to buy houses in good neighborhood, send their children to college, take vacations and live a decent life.
I know that seeds of NAFTA were planted during Clinton's era, but we are havesting the rotten fruit of it now.
Plus, we are spending my future Social Security money to help finance a war that we are not winning, no matter what some Iraq judge has said he would do with Saddam.
We are not planning for the future. Our poor are becoming poorer and the divides between us are becoming more and more apparent.
Gas prices is at an all-time high.
We could not take care of our own people when Hurrican Katrina hit the Mississippi Gulf Coast and New Orleans and south Louisiana. For God sake, we had countries in Africa sending us money for the Katrina relief efforts!!!!!
Are we not the country with the deep pockets????
I love this country and I'm proud to be an American, but I have been embarrassed by those in power and in leadership positions who have been acting as though we are better than every other country in the world, and that it's our way or no way.

So yes, I was extremely excited that as of Tuesday night, Nov 7, 2006, there was a shift in power.
Does that mean that I think the Democrats will perform better now that they have power? Not really.
But I am excited that the American public came out - even in bad weather - to say with their vote that it's time for a change... It's time to flip flop.
What happened to Bush saying Donald Rumsfield was the right man for the job. Did he just flip flop on his own man, like he did with Brown, the former head of FEMA and with that woman he nominated for the U.S. Justice position?
Is Bush now a flip flopper?