Thursday, July 06, 2006

Oh, if I had only paid more attention to mom in the kitchen.

My mom could whip up anything and it always tasted wonderful.
Even though I was a picky eater, I loved how she prepared veggies.
(If only I knew then what eating so much processed food would do to me. My brothers and sisters didn't have a weight problem as a child because mom and dad fed them from the fruits of the land. My parents grew or killed most of what my older siblings ate. When I came along, there were fewer kids and my mom had discovered white bread, mac and cheese and cheetos...LOL... The funny thing is my mom prepared spaghetti or rice for breakfast every morning and they were not fat. Rice and spaghetti were cheap and my parents could send their children off to school with a full tummy.)
Anyway, I'm a mom now and it's my job to prepare meals my son will long for.
I can't!!!
Last night I made greasy, salty, green beans and greasy, salty, semi-sweet corn.
I kept adding stuff to them to try to get that southern flavor I remembered. In the end I ended up with....well I've told ya.

Prior to my mom being in a nursing home, I would call her everyday and often got cooking tips from her. My sweet potatoes are to die for because of her advice last year.
Okay, I was working with canned and not fresh, which makes a difference I know.
I even went out and bought some salted pork hopping that was the key ingredient.
Man, what did mama put in those green beans to make them taste so good?
That's one good thing (there are plenty) that I am looking forward to about living with mama. I'm going to pick her brain as much as possible for all of the recipes she can still remember.
We made jelly a few years ago together. That was fun and the end product was good. I gave away a lot of jars.
I'm looking forward to learning at her helm.
Does anyone have a good recipe for green beans or collard greens?


At 1:26 PM, Blogger Lesley Looper said...

Hello from another North Carolinian! Like you, I wish I'd taken more cooking lessons from my mom as I was growing up.

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Cynthia said...

Thank you Lesley for commenting.
My mom was a great cook. What was your favorite recipe that she made?


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