You have time for that?
I have a cool friend who for the sake of this post, I will refer to as "the tall, curly haired, ball-busting, scrapbooking, list-making, journalist mom" who now lives in Florida and who I've posted about before. This woman does more before 1 p.m. than I do in week. She lives on three or four hours of sleep per day. She is the mother of two toddlers, She knits, scrapbooks, sews, stamps. I promise after the birth of her second child, she would plop both children in one of those double strollers while she went outside and mowed her lawn!!!!
Oh, did I mention that she has a dog???
I can't tell you the number of times she has taken her kids to work with her. Her son has one of those "Blues Clues" notebook so he can write things down like mommy.
I'm not doing her justice in this post, I know. Yet, I got an e-mail from her saying.
"I checked out your blog. Girl how do you have time for that? That's crazy awesome!
How do I have time for that? Have you looked at your life and the schedules you keep... Shoot for that matter, have you looked at the schedule of any busy mom?
Monday, another friend who I will refer to as "my quiz taking, analytical, deep thinking, pregnant, soon-to-be-mom with a great husband and a great blog" decided to try to define her blog and her audience.
To me, I didn't think she needed to.
Blogs are personal... period. It's how we feel, and think about certain issues. It's a way of being accountable, either to ourselves or to our loved ones.
They are all our personal opinion pages whether it be about business, finance, the Bible, religion, our husbands, wives, children, work, money, being fat, being fabalous or being broke, disgusted or scared. With our blogs, we don't have to walk that fine line of trying to be bias. Some of the best read blogs are the ones that are raw and emotional things that we are taught to leave out of our writngs in journalism schools.
For me my blog is personal. It gives me a chance to share my life with my friends and family, many of whom I don't see that often.
My audience is anyone who wants to look at it. It's like my on-line diary, and who doesn't like peeking into someone else's diary from time to time.
And my friend, "the tall, curly haired, ball-busting, scrapbooking, list-making, journalist mom", if you are reading this, you have one interesting life.... even when you are talking about a dead fish.
you're also braver than me, i wouldn't want my whole life on the web for anyone to read. someone might commit me if they read the mundane details of my life. for example: i bought jack two goldfish yesterday and by morning, they were floating upside down in the tank. so, i packed the little carcasses up in a baggie, stuck them in my purse to return to the store. i stopped at the bank and when i got back in the car realized that the bag of dead fish was no longer in my purse. i had left it on the teller counter on the bank. and yes, i did go back in to retrieve my dead goldfish. i probably wont be banking at that branch any more....
Hey my friend, you "tall, curly haired, ball-busting, scrapbooking, list-making, journalist mom", this was great. You should start your own blog... I'd read the heck out of it.
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