Thursday, June 22, 2006

I'll have a clump of clay dirt and a glass of white wine, please

A former co-worker and I are have joined forces in the battles to beat the crap out of our bulges.

Round one.

Round Two.
We are going to kick the daylight out of these cravings!!!!
Yeah baby!!!!!

I am at a point now where I want to eat a clump of clay dirt.
Laugh if you want to, but I bet it's low in calories, fat and carbs.
It's sad, but I remember eating clay dirt as a young child growing up in Mississippi.
It was smooth, cold and it had a taste that is hard to describe.
Now notice I said I was a child when I did this. There is no way I would eat dirt today knowing now what I know.
But I remember once reading a newspaper article about how adults (Especially African-American from the rural South) used to crave the stuff. There is even a term for it.

ge·oph·a·gy (jē-ŏf'ə-jē)
The eating of earthy substances, such as clay or chalk, practiced among various peoples as a custom or for dietary or subsistence reasons. While most often seen in rural or pre-industrial societies among pregnant women, it also occurs among children. The tradition of geophagy spread from Africa to the United States with slavery. A 1942 survey taken in Mississippi showed that 25 percent of school children had eaten clay dirt. Geophagy was also practiced by Native Americans who would eat earth with acorns and potatoes to neutralize potentially harmful alkaloids. Clay was used in the production of acorn bread.

Yet, I awoke this morning with a craving for the stuff.

I imagine my mind went to this because it was a "safe food."
First I wouldn't know where I would get a "good" batch. You can't just go out to your back yard and dig up some dirt. Even when I did eat it, I remember digging down several layers to get the "good stuff." Second, I wouldn't eat it.

I just wanted to eat something - anything.
I am always amazed at all these people who buy diet pills. Shoot I used to use them too. But suppressing my appetite is not the problem. I eat because I'm bored, lonely and or looking for something to do. Those pills do nothing for that.

My former co-worker, Lynn, was the one who suggested that we start on a health kick after reading my post about how detest prescription medicine. She's on a few pills herself and she has a wicked case of asthma.
If we eat better and exercise and drink plenty of water and surround ourselves with positive thoughts and... and.... and.... well, you get the idea.
We are serving as each other's coaches to keep each other honest. We give a detail of what we ate and what we wanted to eat.
It has been working so far, but today is only day three.
Let's see what I'm writing this time next week.


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