Friday, August 31, 2007

I wish I had the confidence to be more open

I have a friend who is going through a really tough battle right now, and she seems to be doing it with such an open and upbeat spirit.
What I am amazed about is how open she has been on her blog about her life. She has placed so many things that I would consider very personal on her blog.
I admire that because I can't.
Not only do I limit what I say on my blog, I limit what I say in my life, on the job and in relationships. I fear that people would judge me if I were to share the "true" version of me. The thing is that I think I am only fooling myself. Everyone around me probably knows the real me; they are just kind enough not to let me know that they know.
Anyway, I don't know if anyone reads my blog anymore, but in case I still do have friends out there who are, please keep my friend in your prayers. She is a young wife and mother of a one-year-old who recently learned that she was expecting a second child. She also recently learned that she has some kind of growth that could be cancerous.
Please lift Lemmondrop up in our prayers.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

finally a computer at home.

I am adding this entry from my new laptop that is sitting on a desk in my home. I am so excited. Hopefully now I can update this more often.

Welcome back to the cyber world.