My son has a powerful brain.
Dion constantly amazes me, which I've shared numerous times.
But man, I would love to know how he figured out that his teeth could be used to unscrew things!!!!
If he tries to unscrew something with his hands and is unsuccessful, he will stick the bottle in his mouth, hold the top with his teeth and then proceeds to turn the bottle with both hands.
It opens.
He has taken the lid off a can of Pringles potato chips by grabbing the plastic lid with his teeth and lifting up the lid.
How does he know he can do these things? Where did he learn this? How does he figure this stuff out?
I have been trying to keep him in his bed at night and out of mine. Since he can work a door knob now, I lock my bedroom door.
Well, I'll be dang it, the kid has figured out a way to still get in!!!!
He goes into the bathroom, turns on the water in the sink and leaves it running.
The first night I just jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom and turned off the water.
Well, when I returned to my bedroom, I found that Dion had ran in, hopped in bed, and covered - or shall I say hid - under the bed covering.
The first time he did it I thought, "Now isn't that smart." and allowed him to stay in bed with me that night without much fuss for coming up with such a clever plan.
But he has now done that four times!!! Yes, four times!!!!! Four times of running water. AAGGRRHHH!!!!!!
On the third and fourth times, I yelled through the door for him to turn off the water, and he just cried.
He cried and cried until I finally got up, opened the door, went to the bathroom, saw a teary-eyed Dion standing in front of the sink on his stool. He dashed past me.
I turned off the water and returned to my bed, to find that Dion had snuggled himself in.
I know that now I have to take him back to bed each time he does that, but man, this kid is smart. He should be rewarded for coming up with such a great plan, shouldn't he?
Plus, if I really wanted to, I could lock him in his bedroom. So on some level, I think I appreciate his problem-solving skills.
But man, this kid is challenging.
When I showed a photo of Dion to the executive editor here, he didn't say the normal, "He's cute" or "He has a big smile." No my editor said, "He has a big forehead."
I was insulted at first until he added, "That means he is smart."
As I said I was insulted at first.
But you know, Dion is proving him right.
Wow ... what a smart little kid! I am amazed!
What about those plastic things you put over door handles that prevent toddlers from opening doors (because they require you to squeeze them, and most kids don't have that hand strength)? You could close your bedroom door behind you when you go shut off the water, and then he couldn't sneak into your room. (Unless he figures out how to pull it off with his teeth ... lol!)
Is he just getting lonely at night? Is there something that would help him feel like a "big boy" sleeping by himself in his own room? I wish I had better knowledge of child psychology ... anyway, good luck, mom!
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